Thursday, December 05, 2019

Crossing the Rubicon

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi waded across the Rubicon today ... announcing that the Democrats will go ahead with a Trump impeachment vote ASAP ... certainly before Christmas. This is a no-turning- back decision ... likely precipitated by Pelosi’s nose counting of the Yes votes by Democrats when the vote is taken ... and maybe by the pending Monday release of the FBI IG report on the validity of the FISA applications in 2016/17.

But there are a number of House Democrats in purple districts with their arms in slings after Pelosi coerced them into a commitment to vote for impeachment. To this observer, Pelosi is betting on a long-shot outcome for this process ... as, if things go as I expect in the Senate trial, as well as what might come out of the IG Horowitz and AG Barr investigations, Pelosi’s majority in the 2021 House might well be in jeopardy.

As Pelosi is wont to say of late, I “pray” so ...

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