Sunday, August 04, 2019

Death Penalty?

Is that a My Pillow?

Here are two very important questions for Bernie Sanders (and maybe the other Dem hopefuls): Should the El Paso shooter, Patrick Crusius, get the death penalty for killing 20 and wounding 26 at a Walmart there? And, if not, should he be allowed to vote in all the future presidential elections?


ChillFin said...

Yes. No.

DEN said...

The real question is: how can we stop these killings?

George W. Potts said...

Mass shootings ... or the daily drive-by shootings in Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis, etc. that kill many more?

DEN said...

Mass shootings, which can only happen when one madman can buy a semiautomatic gun that can kill 27 people in 30 seconds. No question in my mind, it is time to ban this type of weapon.
(I admit that I am less disturbed when criminal gang members are killing each other off.)

George W. Potts said...

Not to quibble, but it was 9 people in 30 seconds ... including his sister and her boyfriend ... strange!