Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Yellow Journalism

Blind Trump with Netanyahu seeing-eye dog

New York Times’ blatant antisemitism


Veritas said...

Clearly, not a typical NYT position. They have apologized for the offensive cartoon, and promised to discipline the editor whose shit-detector was apparently on the fritz that day. Too bad Trump and his drooling sycophants don't exhibit the same grace in correcting misstatements and outright lies (current count= 10,000)

George W. Potts said...

I suspect that 9,000 of these supposed lies are “No collusion!” The rest must have to do with Ivanka’s wedding and yoga sessions.

ChillFin said...

I don’t see antisemitism. Netenyahu is not the leader of Judaism, is he? If it were the pope, that sort of image would be anti catholic