Saturday, May 04, 2019


“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” — Elbert Hubbard

The Mueller Special Counsel report on the Russian investigation found that Donald Trump and the Trump campaign did dot collude, conspire or cooperate with Russia in the 2016 presidential election ... and did not uncover enough evidence to find, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Trump obstructed justice during  this investigation ... although, strangely, added that it could not “exonerate” him either.

Now Democrats, the mainstream media and much of the deep state seem to be living in an alternative universe in that they are still swearing that Trump did collude with Russia in order to best Hillary Clinton. Additionally, this same cabal is trying to squeeze the last bit of juice out of these dry obstruction-of-justice lemons to keep this controversy alive until at least the 2020 presidential election ... for obvious reasons.

The lemonade that they are pulling out all stops to make seems quite weak indeed. So weak that I have to doubt that it will slake the fair-minded thirst of American voters in the next election. It will just accentuate the pucker of those Democrat sourpusses who made it.

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