Friday, March 01, 2019


One overweening insult of the last half century is: “you’re a RACIST!” Every time liberals find themselves behind a rock, they trot out this slur ... designed to shut the opposition up ... and then stand back smiling while the accused tries to disprove this slander. For some stupid reason, Democrats are never racists ... only Republicans. And for some confounding reason, we on the right too often assume a hang-dog look.

A while back, an AOC-like friend of my daughter’s accused me of being a racist because I didn’t vote for Barack Obama.  I was quite insulted ... and forever wrote her off ... an actual prejudice with which I will indulge myself in this case.

Matter of fact, I think I will next try to use reverse English against these slur merchants. The current term for them is race baiters. Not strong enough. I think I will dub them “skin scammers” ... or maybe “malanin mountebanks” ... perhaps MELBANKS for short. But the best to me would be that good ole Irish insult, BLAGGARDS.


DEN said...

The caption on the picture is so silly that the ensuing observations seem equally risable.
BTW, I have never seen a Conservative with a "hang-dog look." If anything, the drooling Right tends to double-down on their deplorable antics.

ChillFin said...

Ah yes, the spittle-flecked Left and the drooling Right. In between, are head wagging moderates.