Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Sins of the Parents

The Alamo
If dreamers are not responsible for the immigration crimes of their parents, the Alamo or even the Mexican-American War, then why are current-day Southerners responsible for the Civil War, slavery and segregation policies of their ancestors? Can we require that any DACA recipients first to denounce their parents' crimes and their country's former aggressions before any amnesty may be granted? And then also can we obliterate all the Hispanic place names and landmarks in the Southwestern U.S.?

Seems fair ...


ChillFin said...

I am really unclear about DACA but it seems that deporting the parents is the required action. If the 'dreamers' are employed, keep 'em; if they are on the dole, out with 'em!

ChillFin said...

While the majority are Mexican, you seem to be throwing over the whole deck as Mexican.

ChillFin said...

As to your assertion about crimes and history, I don't know of any American monuments to the Mexican conquest of the Alamo, the Mexican-American war, or for that matter anything a noteworthy Mexican has done in the USA.

ChillFin said...

The story of the Alamo is that the Texans were fighting to preserve slavery while the Mexicans were against it. The hallowed Alamo has very few black or Spanish visitors.

George W. Potts said...

I suspect that most of these monuments are in Mexico.

George W. Potts said...

Well then the Charlottesville ANTIFA goons should pull down the Alsmo too ... if they dare ...