Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Comey, I Shrunk the Fibs

FBI Director James Comey reopened Hillary Clinton's email investigation last October because of  "hundreds of thousands" of Hillary's emails that had just been found on her aide's Huma Abedin's husband, Anthony Weiner's computer, This staggering number of emails then needed to be viewed to determine if national secrets had been compromised. Next, within a matter of a few days, Comey disclosed that this Weiner email investigation had been completed and there was no reason to reverse his July conclusions that Hillary should not be indicted. Everyone scratched their heads ... wondering how this massive effort could have be completed so quickly.

Last week Comey testified under oath at the Senate Intelligence Committee and said that this number of emails on Weiner's computer was now "hundreds and thousands" -- a considerable drop from his previous number. And finally, yesterday, before his firing, Comey had sent a letter to this same Senate committee correcting his earlier testimony ... saying this number  was down to a "handful" of emails ... another precipitous drop ... see: Breitbart Article.

Now one would assume that Director Comey knows basic arithmetic and has a competent staff which could help him keep his numbers straight. But no, it took to the morning of the day of his firing by President Trump to get his fibs finally straight.

I wonder if this series of shrunk email estimates in such a critically important matter had anything to do with Comey losing his job?

Afterward: For all the gossip on the Comey firing see: NY Times Article.


DEN said...

Sarah Huckabee Sanders 'splained it: "Mr. Trump acted because of the 'atrocities' committed by Mr. Comey during last year’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email." There remains not a shred of credibility in this white house. They all need to be fired.

George W. Potts said...

But Comey's request of the DOJ for more FBI resources to conduct the Russian investigation is credible?

DEN said...

He was the boss, why did he need to ask someone else for authority to put more resources on the investigation?