I have in the past revealed how the U.S.'s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) has been caught cooking the books on the data it keeps on U.S. temperature records ... "adjusting" early year's temperatures down to make current ones appear warmer ... to justify global warming claims ... see: Bold-Faced. Now, John Hinderaker of the Powerline blog has uncovered the degree to which NOAA had adjusted things and it is quite startling ... see: Powerline Blog. The two charts below are what John has discovered ... the first being the actual data ... and the second, the cooked data:
![]() |
Actual Data |
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"Cooked" Data |
These comparisons are visually quite revealing, but, for the details of this chicanery, read John's blog entry. And these NOAA people call themselves "scientists!"
Bottom line (literally): When government takes it upon itself to deceive its populous, its populous should throw these scoundrels out.
Not sure why you call it "cooking the books." The data is the same, they are just using a different time-span to support a pre-conceived conclusion...much like the deniers do.
You obviously didn't read Hindaker's post. He specifies which data points were changed and by how much.
Charts, shmarts! anyone can draw a chart and say that the other guy's numbers are wrong. Besides who has time to check on the accuracy of every nattering naybob claim?
You are a perfect example of why they do it ...
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