Wednesday, April 08, 2015


California is suffering an extended drought ... just like it has done many times in the past ... even long before this "global warming" bugbear. This state goes through repeated periods of too much and then too little water. In years past reservoirs and water transportation systems were built to take advantage of this cycle. (Remember the movie "Chinatown?") Unfortunately, current efforts that could be taken to alleviate the lack of water are now being blocked by environmentalists says Carly Fiorina ... see: Breitbart Article.

Some key points that she makes in this interview with Glenn Beck are:

- California's current drought is a man-made disaster driven by ideology

- 70% of the rain water and snow that now falls in California just washes out to sea

- No new reservoir or water conveyance system has be built during a period when California's population has doubled

- Last year in Washington, efforts to pump more water to Southern California were thwarted by Obama and the Democrats

- The 40% unemployment rate in California's central valley is the price willingly paid by water-restricting environmentalists who care more for fish, frogs and flies than for people.

So now you see children ... environmentalists can be just as bloodthirsty and self-serving as the cruel infrastructure-building capitalists depicted in the movie "Chinatown."

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