Tuesday, January 02, 2024

The Enemy Within

Here is my list of those who hate America and are actively working against us and what we stand for:

- Barack Obama

- George Soros

- Valarie Jarrett

- John Kerry

- Bernie Sanders

- Susan Rice

- Nancy Pelosi

- Merrick Garland

- Jack Smith

- Randi Weingarten

- Joe Biden

- Mark Zuckerberg

- Rashida Tlaib

- Christopher Wray

- Larry Fink

- Gavin Newsom

- Alejandro Mayorkas

- Alexandria Ocaxio-Cortez

- Hillary Clinton

Afterward: and someone mostly agrees:

From Mostly Cajun blog



  1. Are Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney exempted because of their (R)?

  2. They are clearly not my favorites … but I don’t think they are not out to destroy America.

  3. "don't... not." Ergo, they ARE out to destroy America.

    How about Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert who reduce the House to a biker bar?
    How about Steve Bannon who has expressed that he wants to tear everything down?
    How about the evangelicals and the Speaker who want Christianity first above country?

    Or maybe you need to restate "Here is my list of those who hate America and are actively working against us and what we stand for" as "Here is my list of those who hate America and are actively working against ME and what I stand for".

  4. MAGA does not mean America last.
