Monday, August 21, 2023

Prioritizing Illegal Deportations

If re-elected, Donald Trump has promised to start deporting the millions of illegal immigrants that Biden and Mayorkas have invited across the Mexican border. Obviously, these deportations need to be prioritized … and here are my suggestions for this sequencing:

- Terrorist watchlist

- Previously deported aliens

- Convicted felons

- Those wanted as criminals in their home country

- Gang members

- Drug dealers

- Automotive crimes— DUI, hit and run, uninsured/unregistered/uninspected auto, unlicensed drivers

-Those failing to appear in court or contacting ICE with location

- Able-bodied men on welfare

- Childless adults working under the table

-  Those with visas expired over one year ago

- Anyone else undocumented except parent-less children under 15

Also deportees are not with Constitutional protections. May take some time … but needs to be done.

Afterward: We should charge them for their transportation home. Why no t… they paid to get here?


1 comment:

  1. Good list. I can agree with most of the list and priority. We don't need more criminals among us. If elected, I would try to find less drastic measures to chastise people who are here working, but not paying taxes (eg, get them into the system with a path to citizenship) We can use entry level workers. I can't blame people for wanting to flee from shitholes, but the reality is we can't absorb the numbers as they are today.
