Friday, February 17, 2023

Woodsterman Pic


More evidence … for those who care to look …



  1. I looked. Your meme is discredited by factual information -- if you care enough to look.

  2. The way I read dopey Smopes is … even after 140 years, ocean tides are still more of a threat than global warming. Ok, I’ll deal with that … if I can still have my gas stove.
    Bending a knee to Greta Thunberg does not lift your IQ … it only shows your ovine nature.

  3. Anonymous5:41 PM

    The range of low tide to high tide at Sydney Harbour is about 2 meters. When those pictures were taken in terms of the tide cycle and the phase of the moon would be more illuminating.

  4. Ha ha that's not what they said at all. They said the photos were playing to dumbasses, pretending they are proof for your specious claim. How did a mere fact-check lead you to the "bending the knee..." comment. I guess so you could use a fancy synonym for sheep. But I think the fair-minded pilgrims will figure out who the real sheep in wolf's clothing is.

  5. If “scientists” say that the sea level is rising at a rate of 1 foot a century, pray tell me how this is noticed when the tide in Sydney harbor has a differential of 7.1 feet in one day. Therefore, the effect of global warming over a generation would be … as they say … a rounding error. Yet, you birds are on your knees worshiping Baal. Get real!

  6. And I’m not even sure I should concede one foot of sea level rise per century due to global warming. We have millions of tons of water entering our atmosphere every day from outer space … and it is suspected the Earth’ warming cycle is at or near its end … nothing to due with carbon dioxide!

  7. Anonymous9:06 AM

    “ millions of tons of water entering our atmosphere every day from outer space” ???? Source please!

  8. Start with “”. I’ll get back when I find my original source.

  9. watched that PBS documentary end to end. Nothing about tons per day of water from outside our atmosphere. Maybe tons per eon.

  10. Jaundiced eyes? I saw it that all our liquid water came from outer space … and we have quite a bit.


  11. I finally gave up on Google and asked Alexa how much water comes into Earth from Outer space every cay. Her answer: as much as 400 billion gallons. Then I asked how much does 400 billion gallons of water weigh? Her answer 2.2 trillion tons. (I think she meant to say billion.)
