Friday, February 17, 2023

Bill Barr

“The worm had turned. Only a knife in the back would have been more obvious.” — Fletcher

Yes, early on as head of the Department of Justice under Trump, Bill Barr seemed a straight shooter.

But Pilgrim, next time you have kind feelings toward Trump’s AG Bill Barr … remember that the FBI under him sat on Hunter Biden’s laptop computer and did nothing … and then when 51 former intelligence officers said that the laptop appeared to be Russian disinformation … the AG Barr said nothing even though he knew better. 

And, all The Twitter files censorship collusion with the DOJ and FBI took place under his watch.

And finally all the copious and clear evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election was dismissed out of hand by him without any attempt at an investigation.


1 comment:

  1. Wait a sec, Fletch. "copious and clear evidence of voter fraud" has never materialized.
    And Here is a headline from November 10, 2020 "Barr authorizes U.S. attorneys to "pursue substantial allegations" of voter fraud". This was not a backstabbing Trump act.
    How soon you forget, and how convenient.

    I look forward to the hearings on Hunter's laptop. Nothing I have seen or heard so far amounts to a indictable crime. Nothing even close to Trump's recorded phone extortion attempts with Zelenski and Raffensberger.
