Sunday, September 25, 2022

Porch Fest

Yesterday, on a crystal clear day, our town west of Boston held a “Porch Fest” … where musical groups of all sizes and sounds jammed on porches and driveways to the delight of neighbors and passerbys.

We had two groups playing in our driveway … Always in Season, a blue-grass group with oodles of original tunes. There was a base, two guitars, a mandolin and an Irish harp! They played their fingers off for a good solid two hours straight … and drew a big crowd. They even played an unrehearsed Everly Brothers request of mine … Bye Bye Love.

The second group, Dads Gone Mad … three guitars, both electric and then acustic, played more recognizable tunes … The Beetles, Jimmy Buffet, The Everly Brothers, etc.  I listened to much of this inside our house because, being an old fart, I had gotten a chill.

This is the kind of civic festivity that brings neighborhoods together.



  1. Bluegrass in your front yard...your last is improving.

  2. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Was fun!
