Monday, September 26, 2022



Florida emergency declared as tropical storm Ian strengthens

Italy poised for food-fight leader as country votes in snap election

Trump: Midterms a referendum on Biden, Pelosi, Schumer and the ‘radical left’ Democrat Congress

FBI SWAT team raids home of Catholic activist as ‘screaming’ children watch

China on Taiwan: ‘Extreme interference’ won’t be tolerated

Britains lurch toward ‘Reaganomics’ gets a thumbs down from the markets

NYC ordered to reinstate all cops fired over COVID vax mandates

Donald Trump: Biden is ‘cognitively impaired,’ will lead us into WWIII

Liberal group spends $4 million to boost Secretary of State races

Biden admin wants $1.5 billion to fight opioid crisis

Pelosi booed during guest appearance at ‘Global Citizen’ music festival

Lavrov: West wants to destroy Russia, had no choice but to invade


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