Tuesday, October 12, 2021

What’s Goin’ On?

Readers of this blog already know I am a bit of sceptic about booster shots and the mRNA vaccines. So, when coming across the following Internet reference, I have to share it … see: Today FM post. This reference says that 34%  of Covid deaths in Ireland hospitals over the last five months were of people who have been fully vaccinated. And 15% more were of those who had just had one jab. 

Pilgrim, that’s almost half the Covid deaths in the Emerald Isle were of people we have been told were protected from serious complications from the Wuhan-Fauci virus! Wow! To me, this combined with the risks from the vaccine itself, makes me somewhat dubious about getting the booster shot. I’ll let you know kind readers if I eventually do.

And even more disturbing is: The English experience.

Are we being subjected to the Wool [Being Pulled] Over Our Eyes?


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