Friday, September 10, 2021

The Grand Unraveling

When your president threatens to punish 100 million Americans for disobeying him … you know it is time for a stark reassessment. — Fletcher



  1. The history of POTUS mandating vaccines goes back to George Washington in 1777 requiring all soldiers vaxxed against smallpox. He was not starkly reassessed. When the polio vaccine came out in 1955, people “could not get it fast enough.” Today, everyone accepts that children must receive various vaccines before they go to school, and you have to get a yellow fever vaccine before travelling to sub-Saharan Africa and tropical South America. Nobody claims that the mumps or measles vaccine, or getting a tetanus shot, somehow violates their fundamental rights.

  2. You are correct. Polio, smallpox and most other vaccines you mention work against much deadlier diseases than Covid. And I do believe that the government can require vaccinations of the armed forces … sometimes with disastrous effects (Anthrax). However, the Covid vaccine is increasingly problematic due to variants and its death rates and large other averse consequences. Covid vaccinations have become a political football due mostly to our governments misinformation and vacillations. Now the booster issue is equally confused. I need much more info before I decide if I get boosted.
