Friday, September 10, 2021


How the Delta variant bottlenecked Biden’s presidency

United Airlines staff granted religious exemptions to vaccine mandate will be put on unpaid leave

Biden’s approval crashes below 40% in poll biased in favor of Democrats

Biden ousts Trump appointees from military academy boards

Justice Department plans to sue Texas over abortion law

Weeks after fleeing Kabul, ousted President Ghani issues ‘explanation’ to Afghan people

Biden misses deadline to provide number of Americans stranded in Afghanistan

Top scientist claims Anthony Fauci ‘untruthful’ about Wuhan lab work

Hope fades as Iran pushes nuclear program and talks stall

Ukraine is the latest country to legalize Bitcoin as the cryptocurrency slowly goes global

Sec of State Blinken admits that Taliban isn’t letting charter flights take off

Taliban paints over George Floyd mural in Kabul with ‘victory slogans’


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