Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Now That We’re Out

We need a way to neutralize the Taliban. There seems to this observer an easy answer to keeping them from cradling Al-Qaeda and ISIS-K terrorists that will threaten the U.S in the years ahead.

All we need to do is infect Afghanistan with all the panic porn and wokeness that is now destroying America.:

- Transgender bathrooms

- The Wuhan-Fauci virus plague w/ lockdowns

- Critical Race Theory

- Racial “equity”

- Eliminating cash bail

- Global warming

- Diversity and inclusion

- Defunding the police

- Women’s “equal pay”

- Legalizing illicit drugs

- Open borders

- Socialism 

- Sex-change operations

- The Green New Deal

- Reparations

- Confiscatory taxing

- Gain-of-Function virus research

- Etc.

Perhaps we could send Nancy Pelosi, Michelle Obama  and The Squad over there to get things started? They’ll never recover!


Today’s Poser

Just saw a live Trump interview of Fox Business and he said he had wanted to keep Bagram airbase in Afghanistan as a key strategic base near China … and, by implication, the $85 billion of American military equipment we abandoned there when we bugged out. 

My question is: if we can hold onto Gitmo in the midst of a hostile nation, Cuba, why could we not have maintained Bagram in the midst of a hostile Afghanistan?

Afterward: I forgot … just like at Gitmo, there were many terrorist prisoners at Bagram who would still be behind bars there … see: Townhall Story.


Quotable Quote


Feeling sorry for your own president is an extremely dangerous emotion. — Fletcher


reddit Pic

A Japanese naval designer created this boat that looks like a giant zipper so that it seems to be opening the ocean. All I can add is that this dude has too much time, too much money … and too few gray cells.




Pentagon prepared for ‘mass casualty’ attack at Kabul airport hours before explosion

Ida now a tropical storm as more than 1 million Louisiana utility customers are without power

Multiple rockets fired in attack on Kabul airport

Seven Afghans who arrived in Germany ‘forged documents,’ acceding to authorities

3rd conservative radio host who condemned vaccine dies of Covid

China regulatory hurdle has sold off tech stocks — here are the risks ahead

State Department hands out blank visas in Afghanistan, potentially allowing terrorists to board U.S. aircraft

Hollywood legend Ed Asner dies at 91

McConnell: ‘Why we went’ to Afghanistan has been lost

Israel doubles down on booster shots as Covid cases set new record

Biden checks watch during transfer of eleven of thirteen service members killed in Afghanistan

Biden refuses to answer Afghanistan questions at FEMA presser


Monday, August 30, 2021

Reddit Pic


Not your typical Afghan refugees arriving in the U.S. …



‘Embarrassment of riches’: Boston’s diverse mayoral field creates tough choice for city

Oil firms slash U.S. Gulf of Mexico oil output by 91% ahead of powerful hurricane Ida

Key inflation measure jumps the most since the early 1990s

U.S. veterans conduct mission to rescue Afghan allies

Tesla’s German factory pits politicians against environmentalists

A Tesla Model 3 hits a parked police car in Orlando, driver says she was ‘in Autopilot’

Taliban asks the U.S. to keep ‘some diplomatic presence’ in Afghanistan after troop withdrawal

L.A. prosecutors will not pursue charges against Larry Elder

Hurricane Ida rapidly intensifies into dangerous Category 4

Biden says an attack on the airport in Kabul is ‘highly likely’ in the next 24 to 36 hours

Christian schools have vastly outperformed public schools during pandemic

Report: CA has huge, growing Afghan population as flight from Kabul continues


Babylon Bee Pic

The Taliban picks their favorite Hunter Biden painting for the Presidential Palace.


Sunday, August 29, 2021

Hot Buttered Toast


Indian Mountain, a boys’ boarding school, was a self-contained community. Located near Lakeville, Connecticut along with its sister school, Indian View, it was patterned after an English preparatory school ... even down to calling its classes “forms”. 

I was in the fifth form, a new student there and my first year away from home. Just about everything was new to me, but I wasn’t particularly homesick. I was more detached, drifting through this novelty without leaving any footprints. My father had died four years earlier and my mother had just remarried a dapper New Yorker named Sarsfield “Sarge” Burns. He was very cosmopolitan poltroon and lived in the Hotel Windsor near Central Park. I had never imagined that people could live in a hotel. But he didn’t take to children the way he took to my mother, so my sister and I were shipped off to Connecticut for a year of boarding school while my mom was introduced to the glamours of city life. While we were away my mother moved everything out of our house in Greensburg, Pennsylvania and she and my new step parent moved into a bigger hotel room at the Hotel Salisbury, on 57th Street, diagonally across from Carnegie Hall. It was to this hotel room we returned to for holidays ... to sleep on cots in the corner.

This school was understandably sited at the foot of Indian Mountain and most of its facilities -- classrooms, an assembly hall, a small library, the dorm rooms, a dining hall, a locker room, an infirmary and even some faculty quarters, were all located in one big brick building. If the weather was bad, we could spend the entire day indoors ... in our large brick cocoon. We would wake up in our dorm rooms, go to the basement to perform out toilets, move to breakfast in the dining hall, go to classes, eat lunch, more classes, study hall, dinner, assembly, study hall again, and then back to our rooms until lights out. If the weather was good, we would play outside before dinner, usually a sport appropriate to the season. On the weekends we usually played hare and hounds outside or went on a school trip. When we were in the dining hall, we always ate at the same table and sat in the same seat. Meals were served family style in bowls and platters from which we took what we wanted. At the head of each table was a proctor, who was either a faculty member or someone from the school administration. It was this proctor’s responsibility to see that we ate everything on our plates and did it with a semblance of decorum.

Mr. Howell Richards was an English teacher of a certain age and my dining table proctor. He was archetypal English from the tip of his oxblood brogans to his Paisley bow tie and wire-rim glasses. He always wore tweeds ... not just a tweed jacket, but a full tweed suit, often with a vest of the same brindle colour. These suits always hung on his thin frame like a sheet over an old chair. He was a meek man ... a man who seemed to be waiting to inherit the Earth. He had an even meeker, childless wife who was prone to dangling onto his sleeve like a waif clinging to her mother’s dress hem. She made a mouse look debonair. She was devoted to “Professor Richards” as she called him, trying to get us to do the same. Mr. Richards wasn’t a professor, but if we called him that, his whole mien brightened by about 50 lamp watts. The Richards’s lived in a modest home that was built as an ell off the back of our brick cocoon, near the dining hall. The Richards’s needed only to exit their front door, take about ten steps across a courtyard, and enter the side door of the dining hall to sit down to a meal. Their table was the one closest the side door nearest their abode. I say the “Richards’s” because Mrs. Richards (I think it was Florence) always ate with us. She sat to her husband’s right and would tend to his every need throughout the meal. She was so very solicitous that she even made me, a budding social oaf, uncomfortable.

And one of Professor Richards’s needs at every dinner was toast, hot buttered toast. We usually had old stale cold toast for breakfast, but it was always soft, squishy rolls for lunch and dinner. When Richards and his wife entered for dinner, we would stand as they sat down. Then Florence would discretely place next to her husband’s plate a small napkin-wrapped package she was carrying. We all knew what was in it ... hot, aromatic, done to a tee, butter-infused, cut-on-the-diagonal, white toast. After the usual blessing, Professor Richards would open the napkin wrapping like it contained a cache of diamonds. And out would flood the sweet aroma of this hot buttered toast. Then throughout the meal, be it spaghetti, or meat loaf, or Swiss steak, or whatever, Mr. Richards would nibble his hot buttered toast ... his toast exclusively ... his raison d’être ... his holy right ... his status symbol ... his badge of honor ... the meaning to his day ... and maybe even the foundation to his entire life. If Mr. Richards had to choose between his toast and his wife, I suspected I knew what his choice would have been. 

But this hot buttered toast also became my obsession. I would plead with my eyes to Mr. Richards for just one small bite of that hot buttered toast ... as would most of the other boys at the table. But Mr. Richards kept his eyes averted from our longing stares and just kept nibbling on his hot buttered toast after about every second bite of his dinner. And when the meal was done and the hot buttered toast was but a few crumbs, he would fold up the napkin, give it to his wife, and stand up, signifying that another Indian Mountain repast was completed. Then, as his wife demurely tucked this napkin into her coat pocket, we would all stand to be excused. Finally, the Richards’s would exit through the same door they had entered ... together ... Mrs. Richards hanging onto the Professor’s sleeve ... quiet and alone.

© Copyright, George W. Potts

Quotable Quote


“The buck stops with me.” — President Joe Biden

Afterthought: As a soldier, would you go into battle behind a general who fell asleep during the tactical planning meeting?


Obvious Truth

Hope is not a plan. — Anon.

Through a massive conspiracyof thousands of Trump-hating Democrats and a malevolent media, the United States last elected a corrupt political hack in clear cognitive decline as president … the consequences of which is government by a committee of diversified woke fools who know not what they are doing and, even at that, pull things off badly. —  Fletcher


Today’s Poser

How is it that we might have over 100,000 “translator” and “partner” immigrants from Afghanistan when we only briefly had that number of Americans there?

For the view from the left, see: David Brooks and Johnathan Capeheart … the mindset that brought us our Somali problem: “Some people did something” (on 9/11)! — Ilhan Omar



New Orleans braces for hurricane Ida ahead of Katrina anniversary

Powell’s view on inflation is getting pushback at the Fed and elsewhere

Wave of Republican lawmakers call for Biden’s impeachment — Rep. McCarthy promises ‘’day of reckoning’

Harvard chooses atheist as head ‘chaplain’

Covid-19 origin still murky after Biden administration’s 90-day investigation

U.S. air strike targets Islamic State in Afghanistan in retaliation for deadly Kabul airport attack

Biden admin sued by over 3,000 pediatricians and medical professionals over trans mandate

Marine officer who questioned generals on Afghanistan relieved of duty

RFK assassin Sirhan wins parole with support of 2 Kennedys

Biden says U.S. health officials are weighing Covid booster shots at 5 months, moving up third shot

Pentagon admits thousands of ISIS-K fanatics were released from U.S. prisons by Taliban

Trump: Biden Afghanistan failure ‘most embarrassing moment’ in U.S. history


Saturday, August 28, 2021


                                 Wake up little Susie …

Don Everly was 84. Ha  brother, Phil, died over 7 years ago.

For some nostalgia see: Every Brothers at Albert Hall


Obvious Truth


Many … too many … Democrats in government have discovered that it’s kinda neat treating their constituents like children. — Fletcher


Powerline Pic


Judas … then Mathew, Mark, Luke and John

Only today, Judas would get the $5 million book advance.


New Yorker Daily Humor

 Aw look at all these photos of us wearing masks back when we were all able to live aboveground.

Ah, look at all these old photos of us wearing masks, back when we were living aboveground!



The darkest day of Joe Biden’s presidency

China reportedly weighs ban on U.S. IPOs from domestic tech companies with sensitive data

Biden signals weakness in address following Kabul attacks — says he was ‘instructed’ to call on certain reporters after

Former Marine: Instead of dependable we have Depends [diapers] in the White House

Emmanuel Macron to push global tax during Irish visit

U.S. and allies warn more terrorist attacks likely as withdrawal deadline nears

Kabul death toll rises to 13 U.S. service members, at least 95 Afghans

Poll: 24 percent believe Biden’s Afghan withdrawal is going well

U.S. officials provided Taliban with names of Americans, Afghan allies to evacuate

U.S. Covid cases show signs of slowing, even as fatalities surge again

SCOTUS ends Biden’s residential eviction moratorium 

Officer Byrd who shot Ashli Babbitt during Capitol riot breaks silence


Friday, August 27, 2021



Infinity (mathematical symbol ∞) is an enigmatic concept. It is a number larger than one can continplate. Googol in the number 1 followed by a million zeroes. No, not even close. Even googol to the power googol is still far short.

Interestingly enough, infinity has a close relation to the number zero … which took a while to be recognized as a real number in mathematics. Now, zero is a little more understandable than infinity … you have 2 apples and take away 2 apples, you have zero apples. But, approaching zero by using rational numbers (fractions) is a little different. 1/10 is not zero … 1/10,000 sis not zero. Even 1/googol is still not zero. But mathematics has decided that 1/infinity (1/∞) is zero! And of course then zero divided by one (or any number) is infinity.

But what then pilgrim, is infinity divided by infinity (∞/∞)? /I would contend … against many mathematicians … that the answer is one.

I may take this meme further in later blog posts. See: Scientific American article  for a hint.


Today’s Poser


The Feral Irishman blog asks the obvious question: If Covid (aka, the Wuhan-Fauci virus) is so virulent and contagious, how come there are not biohazard bins everywhere in which we must place discarded masks and gloves?



Mike Pompeo takes his own arrows over the Afghanistan collapse

UK reports ‘high threat’ of terrorist attack at Kabul airport; U.S. urges people to stay away

America Last: Only 5% of those evacuated from Afghanistan by Biden admin are Americans

‘You’ll be the first person I call’: Biden jokes when pressed on plan for Americans left behind in Afghanistan

Federal judge imposes sanctions on Sydney Powell, Lin Wood and other pro-Trump lawyers

Pediatric cases of Covid surge to highest on record in U.S. as doctors brace for more

Nigel Farage: ‘No way’ British Parlament would vote for military cooperation with U.S. under Biden administration

Joe Biden caves to Taliban, sticks with August 31 withdrawal deadline

Death sentence upheld for church shooter Dylann Root

Google and Microsoft to spend billions on cyber security after meeting with Biden

NY Gov. Hochul increases states’s Covid-19 death toll by 12k, further exposing Cuomo’s nursing home carnage

Poll: Merkel’s party falls behind in upcoming [German] elections


Fractured Definition

Purgatory — that seemingly eternal time that husbands wait until their wives get “just one more thing” while out shopping … and still their sins aren’t forgiven.


Thursday, August 26, 2021

Today’s Poser


“Stolen elections have consequences.” — Anon.

Why were so many sophisticated American voters so naive when they thought that an unlikable president could not do likable things … and visa versa? — Fletcher


Letting It Dry May Be Too Late

When you paint yourself into a corner … like Biden has in Afghanistan … it’s best to pretend you meant to do it all along. — Fletcher


Today’s Poser


If our governments are so all-fired compelled to keep us safe from the Wuhan-Fauci pandemic, why are they so lenient on drugs usage, gang murders and late-term abortions? Huh?




Harris calls on Vietnam to join in opposing China’s ‘bullying’

House Democrats clear parh toward passing $3.5 trillion budget bill and infrastructure plan

Biden risks leaving thousands of Americans behind in Afghanistan

Trump-backed football legend Herschel Walker running for Senate in Georgia

DOJ foregoes appeal of order blocking money for minority farmers

The economy could be getting help from positive news on the delta variant

Taliban appoints former Gitmo detainee defense minister

Biden walks away from questions about Americans stranded in Afghanistan

Mistrial declared in Michael Avenatti’s California embezzlement case  

Biden says Afghan evacuations to finish by Aug. 31 deadline as threats to Kabul airport grow

Trump slams Biden for evacuating Afghans before Americans

Dowd: Biden’s done ‘extremely good job’ on Afghanistan


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Quotable Quote


Traversing the Internet often reminds one that it was mostly constructed by Silicone-valley pothead programmers. — Fletcher

Afterward: Steve Jobs might have been an SOB … but he sure had that ease-of-use thing down right.


Quotable Quote


Cool logic is too often sacrificed on the hot altar of emotional ideologies. — Fletcher




Jan. 6 investigation will seek phone records related to attack, including lawmakers

House delays vote to advance Biden’s economic agenda as centrist Democrats derail Pelosi’s plans

Pentagon considers leaving troops in Afghanistan past August 31 deadline despite Taliban threats

Adam Schiff: Evacuations out of Afghanistan not over by August 31

Proud Boys leader who burned BLM flag gets 5 months in jail

World leaders prepare for emergency G-7 meeting on Afghanistan as U.S. withdrawal deadline nears

Wuhan lab filed patent for treating accidental exposure to deadly pathogens one month before Covid-19 outbreak

California police arrest man in car with 300 unopened recall ballots

Severe oil leaks worsened Keystone pipeline’s oil spill record, GAO finds

Elon Musk says Tesla’s latest beta self-driving software is ‘not great’

The ten states recovering the fastest economically all have Republican governors

Report: Only 3,300 U.S. citizens evacuated from Afghanistan


Tuesday, August 24, 2021


The Answer: The new normal

The Question: What is it called when Andrew Cuomo allowed his dog to only pee inside the New York governor’s mansion?


Reader Contribution

                 Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels

A friend sent this link to a funny-poignant first-hand story as told to Dave Letterman a while ago … see: Lone Ranger Story 

Thanks Tom G.


Fractured Definition

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious — a new Marvel comicbook hero who subdues his enemies with big words, kinda like William F. Buckley once was prone to doing.




At least 22 dead after 17 inches of rain in Tennessee

Bitcoin hits $50,000, hitting more than a 3-month high

Defense Secretary contradicts Biden on Afghanistan withdrawal

Shots fired in Portland amid violent clashes between Proud Boys, Antifa

States can’t block funds for districts that mandate masks, Education Secretary says

Deadly firefight erupts at Kabul airport as evacuation chaos continues into second week

Defense contractors told not to personally assist ‘friends and former colleagues’ stranded in Afghanistan

‘Does the president not know what is going on?’ Blinken directly contradicts Biden when pressed by Chris Wallace

Ukraine says Nord Stream 2 [pipeline] is ‘dangerous’ despite German reassurances

Euro zone business remains robust in August as jobs boom

Texas counties that requested disaster aid for border crisis never received it

Former general, CIA chief Hayden endorses deporting Trump supporters to Afghanistan


Monday, August 23, 2021

The Stench Pervades

President Biden’s voters now find themselves in the uncomfortable position of having to defend — his kowtowing to the Taliban, forsaking Americans in Afghanistan, the Mexican cartels, Hunter Biden’s debauchery, Big Tech censorship, defunding the police, China insulting our diplomats in Alaska, the Squads march toward Socialism, Nancy Pelosi’s autocracy, Antifa’s violence, that ogre inflation and a myriad of other embarrassments and demented insults to our democracy. 

Wouldn’t it be so much easier and less painful just to confront, confess and jettison such poor choices?



The Answer: Parsley, sage, rosemary and Time

The Question: Name three herbs and a dying magazine?


Truth Worth Ignoring

                                           From Powerline blog




Minnesota GOP ‘in ruins’ after shocking scandal

U.S. forces in Afghanistan look for alternative evacuation plans as ISIS forces threaten airport

Biden is back to bunkering down in Delaware

Exclusive — Pompeo slams Biden’s ‘tragic’ Afghan disaster

Costal evacuations urged as hurricane Henri heads north

U.S. State Department reportedly hit by cyber attack in recent weeks

Biden’s approval now net negative for the first time in his presidency

Only 25% approve of Biden’s  handling of Afghanistan

‘No evidence’: State cuts in jobless benefits had any effect on unemployment

Op-Ed: The disaster in Afghanistan threatens Biden’s ‘America is back’ message to allies

Ex-Obama doctor: Biden no longer ‘cognitively prepared’ to be president, needs to resign

20 attorneys general join fight against Joe Biden’s executive gun control


Sunday, August 22, 2021

VAERS Covid Updare

As of August 13, see: VAERS Covid Data. All the usual caveats!


Quotable Quote

The only way I can see to maintain one’s sanity in Whispering Joe Biden’s topsy-turvy world is to pretend that Dr. Jill is Mary Poppins and she will magically fix things. — Fletcher




The Answer: Penal colony

The Question: What was another name for Jeffery Epstein’s “Lolita island?”




Sarasota becomes first Trump county to defy DeSantas on school masks

Fed officials will seek to avoid a tantrum as they keep ‘taper talk’ going at Jackson Hole

FBI investigation finds Jan 6 protest was not a coordinated plot

Progressives applaud doctor who refuses to treat unvaccinated people with Covid-19

Biden to nominate Rahm Emanuel as ambassador to Japan

U.S. Supreme Court temporarily blocks reinstatement of Trump-era immigration policies

House to forge ahead with infrastructure bill and budget plan next week

‘Larry Elder is the black face of white supremacy,’ says LA Times columnist

Kamala Harris to campaign in California for Newsome

Grace becomes major hurricane, barrels toward Mexico’s Gulf coast

Revealed: Here’s what ABC cut from their trainwreck Biden interview

Biden to resume vacation in Delaware with Americans still stranded in Afghanistan


Saturday, August 21, 2021

Today’s Poser

Why do Democrat presidential candidates almost always pick weak VP running mates: Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Tim Kayne, John Edwards, Al Gore, Lloyd Bentsen, Geraldine Ferraro, Walter Mondale, etc. ? (A few Republicans pucks too.)


Bumbling Biden

Bumbling Biden becoming a bilious buffoon.

Behaving like a Hanna-Barbera cartoon.

Although clearly daft,

He learned his craft

Playing second fiddle to a real poltroon.

Afterward: See When Boris Johnson Called. It took 36 hours of repeated calling for Johnson to get Biden on the phone.


Obvious Truth


If you still support Whispering Joe Biden, you:

- want our southern  border to remain open to hoards of illegal immigrants … including felons, human traffickers, drug smugglers, Covid-carriers and terrorists from around the world.

- think that the United States can pull out of Afghanistan with the barest minimum of logistic, humanitarian and military planning.

- believe that China is not intending to eat our lunch … including the takeover of Taiwan. Com’on man!

- can’t see the connection between massive welfare spending and the spectre of out-of-control inflation and possible economic collapse

- do not understand the need for a strong military and domestic police forces

- are not a believer in America being energy independent

- cannot see any problems with unconstitutionally nationalizing federal elections

- marvel that the crack-addled grifter of a presidential son, Hunter, is a natural-born artist

Aryou sure? Think hard!