Sunday, August 29, 2021


New Orleans braces for hurricane Ida ahead of Katrina anniversary

Powell’s view on inflation is getting pushback at the Fed and elsewhere

Wave of Republican lawmakers call for Biden’s impeachment — Rep. McCarthy promises ‘’day of reckoning’

Harvard chooses atheist as head ‘chaplain’

Covid-19 origin still murky after Biden administration’s 90-day investigation

U.S. air strike targets Islamic State in Afghanistan in retaliation for deadly Kabul airport attack

Biden admin sued by over 3,000 pediatricians and medical professionals over trans mandate

Marine officer who questioned generals on Afghanistan relieved of duty

RFK assassin Sirhan wins parole with support of 2 Kennedys

Biden says U.S. health officials are weighing Covid booster shots at 5 months, moving up third shot

Pentagon admits thousands of ISIS-K fanatics were released from U.S. prisons by Taliban

Trump: Biden Afghanistan failure ‘most embarrassing moment’ in U.S. history


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