Wednesday, June 30, 2021



The feds had a plan to take on Facebook. A judge just scrambled it.

Top investment strategist David Roche warns the Fed could burst a market ‘bubble’

White House backs radical nominee with connections to eco-terrorism

California Democrats try to change recall laws to aid Gavin Newsom

Belgium powers ahead in European Union’s vaccination race

Why some of the world’s biggest companies are increasingly worried about water scarcity

Psaki defends Olympian who turned back during national anthem

UN Human Rights Commission calls for reparations, ‘reimagine the police’

Biden declares Iran will never get a nuclear weapon ‘on my watch’

These charts show the dramatic increase in China’s debt

LOL: Psaki says it’s Republicans who voted to defund the police

FNC’s Carlson: ‘The Biden administration is spying on us — we’ve confirmed that’


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