Wednesday, June 02, 2021


For you doubting Thomases, there is growing evidence that Covid-19 was created in a lab ... very likely the Wuhan (China) Institute of Virology ... funded and mentored by Dr. Anthony Fauci and his merry band of Frankenphiles. That this man is giving erratic and contridictary advice about corralling the monster that he and Dr. Peter Daszak of the Eco-Health Alliance were up to their armpits in  fostering.  ... is the Mount Everest of hypocrisy. See: Daily Mail article.

These men, along with their Chinese collaborators need to justify and account for  their actions. If responsible for this Covid pandemic, they, along with the Chinese government and the World Health Organization, should be pilloried by their millions of victims and by history.

Afterward: See also Fauci emails story ... and Fauci’s Covid patents.


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