Saturday, March 13, 2021

Targeted Viruses

I am a sucker for conspiracies ... real or imagined. And I have started cooking up one of my own ... and it involves the China virus. 

The impetus of this suspicion has to do with the way viruses can be very selective ... mostly old people ... or mostly young people ... or attacking certain blood types ... or maybe even certain genomes in the future .

I have previously discussed Gain of Function virus research taking place in the Wuhan Virology Institute (and funded by the good Doctor Fauci) which is very likely the source of our current pandemic ... see: Gain of Function.

So what precisely is my conspiracy fear? The current head of the Wuhan lab is a Chinese germ warfare official ... see: Daily Mail article. And we also know that China is seeking out DNA data from around the globe ... but particularly America ... (have you submitted saliva to 23 and Me?) ... see: NPR story.  Why might China be doing this?

Well if viruses can be designed for certain DNA profiles, then the next pandemic might be even more specifically targeted to damage China’s enemies while skirting its own population.

Scared yet?


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