Saturday, March 13, 2021

Graveyard of Computer Companies

The following is a list of dead or dying computer hardware companies. I have known many of the players in this melodrama of computational progress.

There have been  many venture investments and entrepeneural dreams sacrificed on the alter of this science.

Burroughs, Univac, Control Data, Digital Equipment, Honeywell Computer, Data General, Modular Computer, Computer Automation, General Automation, Tandem Computer, Sun Microsystems, Mohawk Data Systems, Commodore International, Compaq Computer, Alliant Computer Systems, Scientific Data Systems, ROLM, Xerox Data Systems, Tandy Computers, Wang Labs, Varian Data Machines, Hewlett-Packard, NEXT, Cray Computer Systems, Convex Computer, Apollo Computer, Groupe Bull, Varian Data Systems, Prime Computer

These are just the hardware ones I remember. I’m sure there were many more.


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