Saturday, February 20, 2021

Obvious Truths

Global warming is a gigantic controlling hoax.

President Biden is on a downward cognitive path.

China is not a friend of freedom-loving peolple.

Politicians are most often just out for themselves.

Rush Limbaugh had the ear of tens of millions of Americans.

Free speech and free thought are on life support.

The 2020 presidential election was rigged by the establishment uniparty.

Internal combustion engines will NOT disappear by the end of the century ... if ever.

Donald Trump is a true patriot and powerful strategic thinker.

Democrats are no longer the party of the working class.

Big Tech is worse than the industrial trusts of Teddy Roosevelt’s time.

Neither political party is fiscally responsible.

“Without secure borders you don’t have a country.”

Iran wants a nuclear weapon above all ... no matter what it says.

Our allies always have their hands out.

Coronavirus was purposely unleashed on the world by China.

Democrat governance is generally the worst kind.

John Kerry is the epitome of a pompous ass.


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