Sunday, February 21, 2021



Alexei Navalny’s appeal rejected by Moscow court

As the tech industry looks for the next big thing after smartphones, all eyes are on Apple

Support for Biden’s handling of pandemic falls

China may curb rare earth exports to cripple U.S. defense industry

Report: Ghislaine Maxwell refused to help find Clinton tapes

9 Oath Keepers charged with sweeping conspiracy for role in Capitol insurrection

Bitcoin hits $1 trillion in market value as cryptocurrency surge continues

Merkel says the pandemic will not end until whole world is vaccinated

Judge tosses Nunes’ libel suit against CNN

Joe Manchin will oppose Biden’s budget pick Neera Tanden, jeopardizing her confirmation

Texas Democrats warn that Latinos oppose Biden’s Open Door policies

Cotton calls on U.S. to ban Chinese investments in Hollywood film and TV studios


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