Sunday, January 10, 2021



Trump’s existential threat: How to keep the GOP in line without Twitter

Updates: GOP Senate could take up Trump impeachment day before Biden inauguration at earliest

Days after Trump said  Big Tech monopolies should be broken up, they’ve silenced him

Trump dodges permanent Twitter ban by using government account ...

Pentagon appoints Trump loyalist to Confederate base renaming commission

Pro-Trump dark money groups organized rally that led to deadly Capitol Hill riot

Republicans react with outrage to ‘Big Tech tyranny’

Hawley: ‘Every Democrat member of Congress should be asked to disavow’ Biden’s ‘disgusting’ Nazi comparison

California expects record revenues in stunning COvID budget reversal

Google removes Parler, popular with Trump supporters, from App Store for Android

Biden compares Trump to Nazi Propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels

Twitter permanently blacklists General Michael Flynn and Sydney Powell


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