Saturday, January 09, 2021

Civil Wrongs

Should we be afraid? Twitter has permantly squelched President Trump from communicating with his millions of followers ... while allowing terrorists free rein. Parler, the 1st Amendment alternative to Twitter may be thrown out of the Apple and Google Stores ... just about the only avenue it has to expand and service its user base. Is this another indication of Big Tech colluding among themselves?

It has already been reported that the Big Tech companies are cooordinating strategies to thwart any antitrust actions against them ... and they obviously favored the Democrats in our previous presidential election.  Did they do this in anticipation of a gentle antitrust hand from the Biden-istas?

And now Nancy Pelosi is ginning up a second Articles of Impeachment set against Trump on his way out of office. Obviously, there is no time for a Senate trial ... so what’s the point? Just to humiliate him? Is this part of Biden’s attempted outreach to us 75 million  deplorables?

Bottom line — conservatives are living that old chestnut — frogs in a pot of water ... and the recent election rigging results have allowed the Dems to turn on the gas under the pot. And they are not even doing it sotto voce any more ... like they did during the last five years.

Fortunately, I am too old to fear for my future ... but I am beginning to worry for my children and grandchildren  ... that America is sliding into totalitarianism ... not under Trump ... but under whoever is pulling Biden’s strings.



  1. Tom Paine4:10 PM

    If Trump wants to talk to the American public, he is about 25 paces from the Press Conference room. The Constitution does not guarantee access to Twitter to spread lies. Who is looking spittle flecked now?

  2. When was the last time you saw a Trump presser covered by NBC, CBS, ABC, etc.?

    And are they lies because you say so? Or Jack Dorsey says so?

    What we are dealing with here is someone coming on a conference call telling you can’t discuss some particular subject (the phone company is also a private company.)

    When you are throttled in what you can say, don’t look back with regrets, Thomas.

  3. Afterthought: Thomas, aren’t you glad that King George didn’t restrict your ability to get paper on which to print your pamphlets? On the basis that paper wasn’t meant for LIES!

  4. Tom Paine9:23 PM

    For years Twitter, et al published everything Trump posted, including thousands of falsehoods, half truths and insults.
    When the lies were aimed at overthrowing the election with no evidence that becomes dangerous. His Saturday phone call to Georgia alone revealed that he would do anything to overturn the results. Subsequent speech and tweets imply that his followers should use force to stop the democratic counting of electoral votes. To pretend otherwise is delusional.

  5. Malarkey! C’mon man! Using such unsubstantiated claims would justify shutting down most of the main stream media ... including your pamphlets. Have you no respect for the Constitution, after all?
