Saturday, September 05, 2020


A whole lot of people disliked President Obama ... for his apology tour, for his fake war against ISIS and the Taliban, for his stoking of our racial division, for his kowtowing to China and Russia, for his crony capitalism, for his pissing on Israel, for his funding Iran’s terrorism and nuclear ambitions, for his spending a trillion dollars on non “shovel-ready jobs,” for his attempt to kill our fossil-fuel industry, for his hollowing out of our military, for his attempt to take down his duly-elected successor, for his increasing our medical costs while reducing its quality, for his over regulation, for his multiple disruptions to our social norms, for his lackluster economic policies and for his general inatentiveness to his country’s progress.

Yet, we never ratched up our animus to anywhere near the white-hot hatred which has been directed toward the Orangeman by the left and the media (but I repeat myself) ... so, the question insists itself ... why?

Can you, kind readers, who find yourselves among the never-Trumpers, come up with a list of policy miscues for Trump that is anywhere near those posted above?

Again,, why the disparate hatred?


1 comment:

  1. -Unilaterally abandoned a treaty with Iran that they were complying with.
    -Started a trade war with China and others which has cost jobs, ruined farms and raised prices for Americans.
    - destroyed our prestige and trust with other nations that were allies, made a laughing stock out of America, but mainly himself. No one except Putin wants to deal with him.
    - Gave a phony tax cut that mainly benefited large corps and rich people.
    - Has fired anyone who disagrees with him, gutting the competence of government leaders.
    - Put up a phony wall that can be breached with a power saw.
    - Failed to take the pandemic seriously, proffered snake oil solutions. Never assumed responsibility for anything.
    - Pulled troops out of Syria and betrayed Kurdish allies.
    - ignored Putin's bounty on US servicemen.
    - encouraged supporters to vote twice, hired a guy with no experience to reduce USPS capabilities.
    - Solicited foreign influence. Bribed the Ukranian leader to dig dirt on Biden (this was proven but GOP would not vote to impeach) Has undermined confidence in elections.
    - refuses to show his taxes which would reveal chummy relations with Russians
    - could not find a replacement for ACA but would have dumped millions of people off health care just to spite Obama.
