Saturday, September 05, 2020

Vaccination Priorities

On CNN this morning, the Smerconish show posed a viewer question about coronavirus vaccinations ... specifically should the United States follow the recommendation of the World Health Organization ... which is: “The first priority should be to vaccinate some people in all countries rather than all people in some countries.”(Expectedly, WHO’s recommendation overwhelmingly won the liberal viewer vote.)

But, kind readers, we are not the Smerconish audience. So we can make up our own minds. The Trump administration attitude is that, if America pays for and develops the vaccine, then we should be first in line. They liken this to how oxygen masks are utilized in an airplane emergency ... first adults put them on, then children and the infirmed are helped on by these masked adults.

Smerconish offered an alternate view — it’s as though only the first-class passengers get the oxygen masks while those in coach don’t. However, the WHO way ... the globalists way ... would allocate many vaccine doses to millions, perhaps hundreds of millions (or even billions) of people ahead of most Americans. As Smerconish put it ... a healthcare worker in Italy should get vaccinated ahead of a teenage American boy. But, do we wish all the healthcare workers worldwide to be vaccinated before we feel secure in opening our colleges? This may take many months ... perhaps even years!

I have a sneaking suspicion that Bill Gates, Nancy Pelosi, President Trump, Bernie Sanders. France’s Macron, Germany’s Merkel, everyone in WHO and many, many more poobahs will get a Covid-19 shot long before I do. In fact, even if the vaccine is available by November, realistically the Potts clan will wait well into 2021 until we will get it ... even much longer if the Smerconish audience has its total way. (I wonder how many of these do-gooders will pull rank and end up cutting in line? My guess is quite a few.)

I like Trump’s idea best ... but maybe setting aside a few million doses for the rest of the world ... and even then there will be huge domestic allocation problems.

Last thought: if China. Russia and other countries have vaccines first, how much of the rest of the world have they committed to vaccinating?

Afterthought: Given an American vaccine ... if we allocate a few million doses to the rest of the world, perhaps we should specify that they be given only to front-line workers. (Maybe get WHO to insure that it happens this way? ... just kidding.)



  1. Waiting for Godot6:02 AM

    You are assuming that the USofA will produce the vaccine first. How do you know this? Second, about 40 percent of Americans say they won't take the vaccine even if it is proven safe. And third, why should we be first? Is it our god given right or is it just our belief that because we are Americans we should get everything first. Get in line Mr Blogger and your place might be at the end of the line.

  2. Your #1 and #3 complaints are the same. My assumption is just that ... I suspect China and Russia already have vaccines but I don’t think that they go through rigorous testing like the US. Why do you liberals always piss in your own soup? (I think is is customary to capitalize the word God ... even if you are an atheist like me.)
