Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Voter Fraud

Don’t believe in voter fraud? Well, it happens and here is how ... Democrat style ... see: Breitbart Article. Now this article seems a little exaggerated (hopefully), but it certainly contains some basic truths.

So, we know it exists. The issue is how extensive is it and how much might occur this time around?

This Democrat operative said that his methods included:

- paying homeless voters

- taking advantage of the elderly

- posing as registered voters

- printing up fake ballots

And I’m sure there are many other methods. All in all, it sounds like “community organizers” have a key role in these fraudulent operations. Aren’t we glad they’re mostly taxpayer funded?

Afterward ... see also: Democrat Fraud Plans.


1 comment:

  1. Voting Twice6:15 AM

    Trumps commission on voter fraud was so disgraced that it had to be abandoned before any report was released. Stop believing these conspiracy theories.
