Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Offsetting Malice

Anyone who follows the coronavirus new cases and new deaths closely and believes that they are not being manipulated by local officials for political advantage is criminally naive. However, at some point, the truth will seep though all this subterfuge because of offsetting malice ... and some gross incompetence.



  1. Truth Begone6:12 AM

    Anyone who continues to blog Qanon and other conspiracy theories should have their computers burned.

  2. What evidence do you have to support your charge of manipulation by local officials?

    What is the offsetting malice of which you speak?

  3. Over-report in Florida: “ https://www.newsmax.com/us/coronavirus-covid-florida/2020/07/14/id/977213/”

    Under-report in Mass. “ https://www.patriotledger.com/news/20200422/errors-cited-in-states-reporting-of-coronavirus-data-at-long-term-care-facilites”

  4. Do you even read the articles you cite as evidence of "malicious" manipulation?
    Incompetence, perhaps.

    How come you are not more demanding that Trump's statements are completely accurate.

  5. Because of my poor eyesight, I usually read the first three or four paragraphs. I thought that, in journalism school, good reporters were supposed to condense things there. Was I wrong in this case? Is there some reason you just (always) throw mud balls without providing details? Did you go to a modern journalism school?

  6. Please do not blame me that because of your poor eyesight, you cite articles as evidence of your allegations on the basis of their headlines and fail to read their content. Neither article supports your unwarranted suggestion that malicious manipulation of information exists because of some nefarious intent. There were minor errors in reporting numbers or perhaps incompetence. That's it. No malicious conspiracy.
    How come you are not more demanding that Trump's statements are completely accurate?

  7. Because you say so again assertions without evidence.
