Tuesday, August 25, 2020


Meadows: Trump doesn’t know much about QAnon

House passes bill to put $25 billion into USPS and even see changes amid uproar

Goldman Sachs: Almost a quarter of temporary lay-offs could become permanent

Portland: Rioters bring own guillotine

American envoy joins Taiwan president at military memorial

Trump’s sister says president has ‘no principles’ in secret recordings

Trump raises the possibility of ‘decoupling’ U.S. economy from China

*BBC* fact-checks Biden for Charlottesville ‘very fine people’ hoax

‘Not just a low-wage recession’: White-collar workers feel coronavirus squeeze

Daily coronavirus cases in the U.S. fall below 50,000 for seven straight days after summer surge

Thanks to de Blasio: New York City is being abandoned

Portland rioters threaten people n homes: ‘Come out into streets’


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