Friday, July 03, 2020

Dr. Fauci

Throwing gasoline on a fire ... see: NBC News Story.


  1. We have surely arrived at a nadir when expressing fact-based Truth is considered flammable rhetoric by the MAGA numb-sculls.

    FORBES says "...Trump has averaged 23.8 lies per day since the first case of COVID-19 was reported in the US..."

  2. And Fauci has flip-flopped on just about every issue. When a “health expert” starts making pronouncements outside his area of supposed expertise is when he needs to fade back into the background ... and stop throwing political brickbats.

    Please put up the Forbes reference ...

  3. Here is the link:

    Please give examples of Fauci's (non-health-related) "pronouncements" "political brickbats."

  4. Why should I believe an Assistant Professor from the University of Oregon (likely a pinko) who, himself, admits we all lie twice a day ... and offers no hard evidence that his “statistics” are real.

  5. For fraud Fauci, see: “”

  6. Well I read the Nolte article and saw no brickbats or political pronouncements by Fauci.
    Nolte even contradicts himself, first (mis)characterizing the warnings to lock-down as a partisan attempt to hurt Trump. (Anyone who believes this is a capital M Moron.)
    Then he blames Fauci for not speaking up loudly enough when cases spiked. This was a typical partisan hit piece full of bombast and misinformation.

    PS, By following Fauci's guidelines counts of new cases and deaths in Mass have fallen. States that have abandoned social distancing and face masks are seeing resurgence in cases. Simple math might lead one to an opposite conclusion than "Fauci=Bad"

  7. There is no bigger political brickbat than throwing the US economy into recession/depression under the guise of his special scientific knowledge ... which never seemed to get even close to the truth ... and his vouching for the Chinese who gave us this mess to begin with. He danced his way around the facts with the obvious intent of keeping America fearful ... in order to get his way ... which, in the end, didn’t seem to help much health-wise ... and certainly did a lot of harm economically. Was this his purpose? I suspect that it might have been.

  8. Okay. So you would have kept people going to work and school and restaurants and bars and prostitutes riding the subways and your family exposed to anyone not from China.
    Your thesis is that Fauci wanted to destroy the economy because he didn't agree that drinking bleach would fix everything?

    PS, By following Fauci's guidelines counts of new cases and deaths in Mass have fallen. States that have abandoned social distancing and face masks are seeing resurgence in cases.

  9. By following Fauci guidance, Mass. has the 7th highest caseload in the country ... and the 3rd highest number of deaths. Not a good result! One could argue that the only reason things are getting better now is that our gov. Is running out of nursing homes.

  10. More Obvious Truth "We sees what we want to see."

  11. I assume this “we” includes yourself?

  12. Sure it does. The operative word is "want." I want to see the Truth. You want to twist statistics to excuse Trump's catastrophic failure to manage this crisis. So you blame a guy who is trying to save lives. I think my position is more virtuous.

  13. I have noticed your halo ...
