Friday, July 03, 2020

Blissful Ignorance

I have a lot of liberal family members, friends and classmates. A lot. And I have alerted most of them to what I think is a bombshell video of Sidney Powell’s extensive interview about the General Michael Flynn case. Now, she is Flynn’s new lawyer who has performed brilliantly to get his case dismissed, his guilty plea vacated ... and the judge in this case chaistened by the DC District Court.

The question poses itself: who has actually watched it? I have had only one positive response, a lawyer who said “I sat in total fascination for the entire fact replayed parts of it.” But I have also receive two responses from people who won’t watch it ... apparently because they had made up their minds ... and refuse to entertain that they might be mistaken.

I shake my head in sad disbelief for this blissful ignorance.

If you readers of this blog haven’t watched it already and want a second chance at this counterpoint, see: Sidney Powell Interview. (Pertinent piece of info: Covington was Flynn’s original lawyers to which he gave something like $6 million ... and where Obama’s former AG and “wingman,” Eric Holder, is a partner.)

I thank any of you who previously did or now do ... watch it. No matter your conclusions, you walk with the angels.


  1. Most of your liberal friends and probably family members have been shaking their heads in sad disbelief for the blissful ignorance that plays-out here on a regular basis.
    Fact: Flynn plead guilty. He was not a novice. He IS guilty as charged. No amount of lawyer-ly spinning can change that salient fact. Dersh helped get OJ off. Did you approve?

    How many people currently in prison would You let free because they didn't think their lawyer did a good job?

  2. Does this sound like someone who refused to watch the video? All I can say is that he doesn’t walk with angels ...

  3. Your protestation "Watch the Video!" reminds me of Trump's "Read the transcript"((phone call to Zelenski)) which when read with an honest heart actually proves him to be a liar and a crook.
    I don't need to waste 50 + minutes of my life watching your video. I walk with the Truth-tellers.

  4. Speaking of protestations ...
