Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Want vs. Need

Trump says we have the most coronavirus testing in the world and anyone who “wants” a test can get one ... whereas his medical experts say anyone who “needs” a test can get one. Of course the media Trump-haters (and they are rife) jump on these semantic differences and argue:

- Even if we are doing by far the most absolute testing globally, on a per capita basis, we are not the leaders in the world since a number of countries  ... Canada, Italy, Germany, etc. ... lead us. Both assertions are relevant but Trump is again a liar because the second assertion is not true. Isn’t this called “moving the goal posts?” We are a wide country with many areas devoid of this virus ... however, in our hot spots like New York,New Jersey and Massachusetts testing leads every country in the world ... on a per capita basis.

- Insofar as the difference between those who “want” or “need” a test. This is again an indication of the media putting Trump in a lose-lose situation. Clearly, everyone in America may want a test every other day. This creates an impossible metric that could never be met ... ever. So, there must be a filter on who gets tested ... and this is where the word “need” comes in. As far as I am concerned, when Trump says “want,” he really understands that there must be a smudged or “need” in this semantic.

Bottom line: if you can’t defeat Trump with logic, try demagogery!


  1. And the person who called him a moron ... what is he doing now for his country?

  2. Couldn't Trump avoid a lot of controversy and self-inflicted wounds if he were a bit more careful with what and how he articulates? The want/need issue is a good example. To say "everyone who WANTS a test, can get one" is simply incorrect. I want a lot of things. But I also realize that to insist on getting them is ludicrous. I also need a lot of things . . . and wanting those is not ludicrous. So, lets have our president avoid loose lips. An occasional slip is probably unavoidable. But to it again and again . . . and then again makes one wonder whether the offender realizes he is a comic -albeit a bad one- and is losing credibility every time he opens his mouth.

  3. Most Americans want to turn Trump’s rhetoric into Obama’s. But then would we also change his policies into Obama’s? Yikes! I think most of us know why Trump’s parents sent him off to military school. Didn’t help. I am resigned to the fact that we will need to take a spoonful of medicine to make the sugar go down. I am resigned to the fact that I won’t get a perfect president ... so I‘ll settle for a damn good! one!

  4. Trump
    is *here............................................................Damn good is *here.

  5. Analog answers are discouraged here.

  6. Just a few inches apart!
