Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Today”s Poser

Our Witchdoctor

Dr. Tony Fauci testified yesterday in the Senate that he was chary about reopening our economy and we should not reopen our schools in the fall until we had a vaccine or an effective treatment for COVID-19. Such strictures would result in likely serious societal and economic damage. This policy “suggestion” forces the following poser for all you dear readers over the age of 60:

Assume that cautiously reopening our economy now ...  and sending our children back to school in September ... meant that YOU would have about a 20% chance of contracting this virus and then a 5% chance of dying from it ... would you go along with our this strategy ... in order to avoid the clear and lasting country upheaval? (In other words around 1% of our seniors would die ... maybe one million.)

I am not trying to virtue grandstand on this issue, kind reader, but I think I would agree to this gamble ...

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