Friday, May 01, 2020

Obvious Truth

General Michael Flynn must have had some very incriminating evidence against Susan Rice and the Obama administration ... considering the malignant vigor with which their intelligence agencies tried to destroy his career, his family and even his life. Wouldn’t it be special if he were completely exonerated ... and then came back to spill the beans on his accusers?


  1. If Flynn has incriminating evidence of a crime, I certainly would like to see it.

    More interesting: Why did Trump fire him? Why did he plead guilty?

  2. Do you not read about or listen to the Flynn story? Dip into FoxNews every once in a while ... you will learn what Madcow is not telling you. By the way, I watched Morning Joe this AM for the Biden interview. It is clear that the liberal media will not let him be the Dem. candidate. Smart move!

  3. I don't watch fox OR cnn. So I still wonder why Trump fired him. And why did he plead guilty if he was not guilty? He was a General, not a scared teenage suspect.

    Comparing Biden's single accuser to Trumps' dozen + of accusers should make good debate fodder.

  4. Stay tuned for the Durham findings. Unfortunately you may have to watch Fox to find these tact’s. The test of the media will ne reporting on Pelosi ice cream hoard.
