Friday, May 01, 2020

Key Comparisons

It is difficult to compare the various country coronavirus statistics ... since they are so far apart in the big tabes. So I have taken some time to put together some of the critical measures (Tests per million, Cases per million and Deaths per million) for some key countries (USA, Sweden, Italy, South Korea and Germany). Here are the numbers as of May 1, 2020 ... see: Latest Dara for verification. (If you check after 5/1/2020, the numbers will change.)

                   Tests  per million
USA                       19,311
Sweden                  11,833
Italy                       32,735
South Korea           12,153
Germany                30,400

                   Cases per million
USA                         3,309
Sweden                    2,131
Italy                         3,398
South Korea               210
Germany                 1,947

                 Deaths  per million
USA                           193
Sweden                      203
Italy                            463
South Korea                   5
Germany                      79

Do you believe the numbers for South Korea?

1 comment:

  1. The argument in favor of Sweden's approach seems solid.
