Sunday, May 10, 2020

Missing Puzzle Piece (Updated)

There is a missing piece to this General Michael Flynn legal puzzle ... and that is why did President Obama have such animosity toward what had been his director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for roughly two years (2012-2014) ... until he apparently crossed swords with James Clapper?

During the transition of their presidencies, Obama warned Trump about two people ... Kim Jong Un and General Flynn ... a strange juxtaposition. Nevertheless, Trump selected Flynn as his National Security Advisor where he served briefly until he was fired for lying to Vice President Pence. Coincidently the full weight of the Justice Department and the FBI fell on this man in what we are now discovering was a gigantic set-up to destroy his reputation and send him to jail.

This blog post will not go over this Obama railroading effort. Unfamiliar readers can discover these details for themselves at: Out Like Flynn and the embedded hyperlinks.

The purpose of this post is to try to decipher why these extremely punitive actions were undertaken by Obama and the Obama administration ... against General Flynn? There are a number of theories I have heard of late ... trying to fill  in this important puzzle piece:

- Flynn was in the process of revamping and streamlining the DIA in his term there ... and this upset the Pentagon and the other intelligence agencies. Why this would be reason to cut off his legs three years later is suspicious to me.

- The Comey/McCabe/Brennen/Clapper cabal knew that they could not have pulled off their Russian hoax if Flynn continued as National Security Adviser ... so they needed to dispose of him ... so that the Trump team stayed in the dark.

- Being a member of the armed forces, Flynn was incensed at what went on during the Benghazi attack when the higher-ups gave stand down orders ... and didn’t attempt to save the special forces there ... resulting in three killed including our Libyan ambassador.

And I would not be surprised if even more sinister reasons surface. But, at the moment, I think it was a combination of the second and third reasons. Stay tuned ...

Afterward: See also Breitbart Article.


  1. Could it be because General Flynn was a traitor. No deep state here. Only bad actors.

  2. Let’s wait and see. If it turns out that he wasn’t ... then perhaps Obama and his henchmen were?
