Sunday, May 10, 2020


Trump: I hope sexual assault allegation against Biden is ‘false’

Coronavirus live updates: Antibody ‘cocktail’ in the works but full vaccines could be limited

Record 103,405,000 not in labor force ...

Transcript: Clapper admitted no direct evidence of Russian Collusion

Murphy deploys 120 National Guard troops to New Jersey’s long-term care facilities

Melinda Gates says US coronavirus response is ‘chaos,’ gives White House D-minus

20.5 million jobs vanish in April ...

Yale scientist: Reopening America is ‘awfully close to genocide’

Democrat senators propose $2,000 monthly payments to most American

Moderna CEO says supply of coronavirus vaccine will be limited, US will decide who gets it first

Unemployment rate 14.7% ...

Arrests made in shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery

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