Saturday, April 25, 2020

Waiting Game

Kim Yo-Jong

Is the tyrannical leader of North Korea seriously ill? President Trump suggests no ... but then China is sending in its best doctors to aid in this possibility.

When  President Trump met Kim Jong Un in the Korean demilitarized zone last year, it was apparent to most that Kim was ill. He barely could walk twenty feet without being short of breath. Now we read that Kim is in critical condition after surgery ... see: Breitbart Story. Although South Korea and China deny that he is gravely ill, it is clear that something is afoot.

Maybe Trump’s real strategy was to wait Kim out ... sensing that his lifestyle of Swiss cheese and Swedish hookers did not suggest a good long life? Possibly, this strategy is paying off. But the question remains ... what next, if Lil’ Kim disappears?

Will Kim’s little sister, Kim Yo-Jong take over? And, if so, will she be just as despotic as her older brother? If one follows the thinking of American feminists, she will be the dove of peace ... in the image of the Mothers Earth and Theresa.

Looking closely at her face, I am not so sanguine.

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