Saturday, April 25, 2020

Today’s Poser

If opening up America is undermining our public health, how can those who choose not to self-quarantine, joining those essential workers, also not self-quarantining, in going about life ... jeopardize those of us who do follow the guidelines?


  1. Are you OK with Rebecca going to work and coming home every night? Or sgould the kids go to Chucky Cheeze for pizza night? That's your answer.

  2. Is this all about keeping us old people alive ... or having our grandkids get an education ... and having an economy that’s not in the dumpster? I guess I know we’re you come down.

  3. So, how about you answer my question instead of quacking away.

  4. I don’t mean to be maudlin ... but I don’t think that staying alive for a few more years is worth forcing my grandchildren to learn
    Mandarin ...
