Sunday, March 29, 2020

Butterfly in Japan

Predicting American hurricanes can be very complicated, as they say, because some think such storms can be affected by a butterfly flapping its wings in Japan.

This may be a logical stretch, but it does explain why pandemics (and climate change) forecasting is a daunting “science” .... and often an unsuccessful task. Why? Well, think about the current COvID-19 pandemic. It is certainly possible that, if this virus lived only 7 minutes on a steel surface instead of 17 minutes, then this scourge might have died off in the Wuhan wet market before it ever got started.

So, please pay attention Greta Thunberg (and your handlers). You are so certain, in your narrow and inexperienced teenage world, that CO2 is going to destroy us all. There are many other things that are at play in our evolving global climate ... things you are unable to even imagine. So, please do us a huge favor ... stop lecturing the rest of us ... at least until you have your first grey hair.

And don’t be tempted to command us about pandemics too ...

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