Sunday, March 29, 2020

A Couple Things

- Woke up this AM picking my nose ... oops! I’m pretty sure that this is what VP Mike Pence means when he says, “don’t touch your face” ... along with rubbing you eyes (pink-eye is a symptom) and pulling a Dr. Evil by picking your teeth with your finger nail. Heard a NYC emergency room doctor on TV yesterday saying that “touching your face”was THE primary way of getting COVID-19. And this is very important! I believe him ... but how can my sleepy self also obey?

- I have speculated a few times before that the Wuhan virus mortality rates being reported by the Chinese authorities were at least ten times too low. Now comes some info that says that the funeral urns being picked up there by relatives of virus victims suggests my speculation might even be low ... see: Real Wuhan Deaths. This misreporting by the Chinese has been an important part of the lack of mitigating actions by the rest of the world ... costing us untold lives. For shame, Xi! Lack of candor is a major downside of authoritarian regimes ... even capitalistic ones. (Got that, Tom Friedman?)


  1. Yet Pence can't resist touching when goaded:

  2. At least he didn’t pick his nose.
