Monday, February 24, 2020

Sanders vs.Trump

On a Zoom video call with my old fraternity brothers today, the question was posed, “ If the contest this November is between Sanders and Trump, which one would you vote for?” Except for two of us ever-Trumpers, there was a lot of embarrassed silence.

This is a looming conundrum facing many liberals today ...  as Crazy Bernie builds up a head of steam on the campaign trail. The realization that this Democrat Socialist may indeed be the Dem presidential nominee is sending shivers up the spines of many of the not-that-far lefties.

In this contest, voting for Sanders would be suicidal ... and many Democrats, including James Carville, agree. So what’s the option? Sitting it out ... or writing in Mayor Pete? Neither of which will keep the Orangeman out of office for another term.

My advice to you dear reader liberals ... you can always claim you voted for the loser. That’s why we have a secret ballot.


  1. I love it when I hear Sanders being dismissed as un-electable. If he gets the most votes/delegates in the Primaries, there is reason to believe he can win in November.

    Remember how the pundits dismissed Trump's chances in 2016? The polls had it wrong. The GOP rivals folded like a rented tent. Bumpy ride ahead.

    BTW you still owe me $5 from your flawed Superbowl prediction.

  2. I, like Trump, think that Bernie might be the harder opponent. I’ll give J. the money to give to J. on Fri.
