Monday, February 24, 2020


“Demographics are the future.” Someone once said this basic truism which one would be wise to study and use as the basis for understanding our changing destiny.

China has roughly three times the population of the United States and the United States has roughly three times the population of Russia. This comparison , by itself, explains much of the jockeying in international relations. Now, fast forward to the year 2100 ... and China will have only twice the population of the U.S. and India will have many more people than China. Is this why the Orangeman is now in New Delhi?

Anyway, demographics are a fascinating study .... and, if I have peaked you’re interest, I have found a fascinating website that is chock full of compelling  demographics ... by gender ... by age country ... and, by one and five year increments, 80 years into the future ... see  Population Pyramid.

If you can’t spend an afternoon running barefoot through these numbers ... and thinking about the implications ... you have no curiosity.

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