Sunday, February 09, 2020

Illegal Aliens Voting

Just saw Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin on TV promoting the fact that, if you have a state drivers license, you can go online and register to vote. And he also urged such registrants to be sure to vote. 

Now, the Bay State is also moving through its legislature a bill giving illegal aliens drivers licenses ... see: Mass Live Story. There is little doubt that such a proposal will soon become law.

So, dear reader, what exactly will keep even more illegal aliens from voting for national office in Massachusetts? (I know that many already do.)


  1. OMG!! What if they all vote Republican?

  2. Let’s see... Mexicans are more than 80% Catholic. Catholics are strongly guided to be anti-abortion, anti birth control, pro traditional marriage, and family oriented — all Republican positions. Hispanics in 2016 voted 29% for Trump.

    While i do not support open borders, or even letting illegals get drivers licenses much less vote, the notion that every illegal is by default Democrat seems to lack a solid foundation.

  3. So (learned this opening from Liz Warren), 7 out of 10 illegals vote Dem. ... and about the same proportion are on welfare ... they are mostly unskilled and uneducated ... and about 20% of our prison population are illegals. Why would I find this to be a problem.

  4. Seems we need to reference reliable sources for both arguments.

  5. I support id's for EVERY resident, including driver's licenses. We need to know who is here. but nobody in Mass talks about the law that stipulates only citizens can vote in federal elections. Id's should be required at polls and proof of citizenship when registering.
    It's that important.

  6. Why, if you have a license , can you register to vote over the Internet? The state is encouraging voter fraud, that’s why.
