Sunday, February 09, 2020

Bashing Trump

As an equal-opportunity Jonathan Pie fan, I feel I must provide you his liberal side too ... see above for his take on Trump’s impeachment acquittal. There are at least three serious misrepresentations in this rant ... see if you can identify them.

(I tried to send this YouTube link to some of you kind readers via email, but Google had better ideas and kept inserting its ads into my effort.)


  1. The analogies to British personalities were lost on me. As to all the USA comments, they seemed remarkably accurate. Actually did not even seem to be basing Trump as much as reporting the facts of what just happened on the record.

  2. It seemed spot-on to me. Surprisingly accurate take on the situation. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Manafort and Cohen were convicted of crimes outside of Trump’s orbit. Flynn has withdrawn his guilty plea. Rush Limbaugh has had two frequent black substitute hosts ... and Bo Snerdley, his executive producer, is black. Even Snopes discounts that he is racist. FISA court was misled in order to spy onTrump’s campaign and set up workers. NYT’s David Brooks says Trump’s SOTU was spot on. Etc.

  4. And Pie has forgotten one vital tenet of British common law — the prosecution needs to prove you guilty. You are not supposed to have to prove your innocence ... as Pie wanted. (Watch it again.)
