Monday, December 02, 2019

Ukraine Intervetion

The revered Schiff testifier, Dr. Fiona Hill, assured us that the Ukraine did not interfere in the 2016 presidential election ... it was only Russia ... see: Hill of Beans. Why is this important? Because Trump was asking the new Ukraine President Zelensky in his famous July 25th phone call to look into this supposed hacking by the Ukraine into the DNC server (remember Crowd Strike?) ... and, if this and other interference was bogus, then Trump is stupid and his request was clearly an attempt to bribe Zelensky ... according to Schiff, an impeachable offense.

Well pilgrim, here are a set of hyperlinks to articles that raise the specter of 2016 Ukraine interference ... all pointing to events over two years before Trump raised this issue with Zelensky and something our security expert on the Ukraine, Fiona Hill, must have had come to her attention:

Politico Article

Article in The Guardian

The Hill Story

The Nation Article

CBS News Story

New York Times Article

Yes, for sure pilgrim, Fiona Hill must have misspoke or mis-remembered when she testified that only Russia, not the Ukraine had interfered in the 2016 election ... under oath no less. Don’t forget she was the uber-expert! But that wasn’t her only failing ... she previously had advocated against arming the Ukraines against the Russians. Such Trump-bias buffoonery!

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